Hi loves! Two things i cannot get tired of this summer: headscarves and denim! but today it is not just any plain old blue denim… it’s dip dyed ombre denim! It seems like ombre is everywhere and i was so happy to find these ombre denim shorts at my local thrift store. With a bright striped top, headwrap, and my Miss Sixty basket bag, this outfit just screams summer. No?
what’s going on here? i started my humble blog 2 years ago this month. to celebrate i’ve teamed up with some friends to present to you a series of gifts giving! why? because we like you heaps ♥
This week’s giveaway is courtesy of Stephie’s Shop. Also celebrating their second anniversary this year, Stephie’s Shop is an online clothing store based in Singapore, selling quality work-appropriate and vintage inspired pieces. I love how their items are not mass produced yet the prices are still kept low! I have worn quite a few items from Stephie’s Shop in the past, like this cotton blazer, this polka dot dress, and this bow print short skirt!
Now they are offering one of my lucky readers any one item on Stephie’s Shop, YOUR CHOICE!
For your chance to win, please:
1. Like Stephie’s Shop on Facebook: HERE
2. Like What Annie Wears on Facebook: HERE
3. Leave a comment UNDER THIS POST, anything will do, or you can tell me which item you would pick if you won!
+1 for one extra entry share this giveaway with a link to this post on your Facebook!
I have had many giveaways that were opened to readers in US & Canada only, to make amends, this time the giveaway will be opened to readers living in Asia only! If you live anywhere else, check back next week for a giveaway from me that will be opened to readers worldwide =) Contest closes on August 28, 2010. One winner will be selected randomly from entries on both Chinese and English sites and announced right here in this post before August 30. Winner will be contacted by e-mail so make sure you leave the correct email addy. If you leave a comment with your Facebook account please check back to see the result as I won’t be able to see your e-mail address. Good luck to everyone that enters! A new gift next Monday, be sure to check back then!
Disclaimer: Giveawayis purely for the benefit of my readers and I will not receive any monetary compensation for it.
hi lovelies! a lot of you probably know about my obsession with headscarves/ headwraps/headbands… i think adding a head scarf is such an easy way to make any outfit stand out. and because i’m in the process of growing out my hair these days, it is also a great way to cover up my awkward haircut lol. today i’ll be showing you how i tie my head scarves! it’s so simple i almost feel kind of silly doing this tutorial =P
step 1. you start off with a square scarf, even though i have like 10 headscarves i find myself always coming back to this vintage scarf. maybe because it’s got the most awesome patterns? step 2. fold the scarf one corner to the other to form a triangle
step 3. then fold it several times until it becomes a long strip, i like mine to be about 10cm wide, you can fold the corner down (for a cleaner look) or the other way around (for a messy non-try-hard look, which i like) step 4. place the centre of the stripe at the back of your head
step 5. take the two ends and make a knot in front of your forehead, i like to do two knots step 6. tuck in the remaining ends so they can’t be seen
i live in vancouver and taipei. i love guitar and roadtrips. sunshine and the beach. cupcakes and coffee. indie music and foreign films. i want to scuba dive at the great barrier reef and speak french in paris.