a walk in the park

a walk in the park

the hardest thing to get used to after coming back to taiwan is the humidity. but i must say that it doesn’t rain as much as vancouver. however hot and humid, the appearance of sunshine is always the tonic for my soul, since we don’t get heaps of that in vancouver. i wonder if i will start to get wary of the continuing sunshine. that will be taking the lack of rain and gloom for granted.



(photos by ell)

free ctv mcdreamy t-shirt

urban behavior skirt

BDG urban outfitters legging

vintage bucket bag

forever 21 sunglasses

rita’s shoes

First Peek

photo by RC

hello guys and dolls!

here is the first official post of What Annie Wears and i’m just going to go ahead and give you all a nice proper introduction.

my name is annie, i’m from taipei but live in the lovely suburbs of vancouver most of the time. i have been a blogger for years but have not yet done anything like What Annie Wears before. it is quite exciting really.

what i want to do with this blog is to build up a collection of photos on daily outfits, give myself an online scrapbook to post pictures in that inspire me or simply just to brag about my vintage finds. and for everyone to be free to browse and contribute of course!

special thanks to auburn, ell, sir s, mister, and ryan for encouraging me and helping me with setting up the site x