I had a more interesting outfit in mind this morning but the shirt was dirty =( I think it’s time for me to go shopping again, something i haven’t done in awhile. my outfits these days are all sort of boring and are things you’ve seen lots here before. The outfits I wear over the weekdays are things you don’t want to see at all, because when I’m out and about in the city I wear extra boring things. And with this crappy weather, I find myself wearing an awful lot of black too. Why does this happen when I have a closet full of clothes? Maybe I should sell some of my stuff, you know? keep things circulating. but i really hate those “oh, but i might just wear it in the future!” vs. “fok that, you need money” dilemmas! grrrrr can’t be bothered!
Jeans! I think this is only the second (or third) time jeans have been showcased on this blog. I used to be a bit of a tomboy (if not a plain jane) and I wore jeans all the time. but one day I fell in love with vintage pieces and would only wear jeans if I am feeling tomboy-ish again. I got this pair from Oxfordshire’s Bicester Village (an outlet centre for several high-end brands, including Ted Baker, Bally, Gucci, Paul Smith, Jigsaw, Dolce & Gabbana, and Jack Wills) while I was working in Oxford. It says the brand is called Red Chilli (not a typo, double L), but the weird thing is that I find absolutely no information online about this label. so bizarre! If you happen to know anything about Red Chilli, please kindly let me know because I would totally purchase another pair from them!
Salt Spring Coffee Company
4295 Main Street, Vancouver
(604) 875-9727
Hello my sweets! How was your weekend? And for those of you in Canada, how was your Victoria Day long weekend? I had a pretty awesome weekend. Played guitar in the backyard, had Krispy Kreme, reconnected with an old friend, watched In Treatment with my brother, tried Verity’s cooking, went to the park for a stroll, and as you can see here, afternoon tea at The Urban Tea Merchant with the girls =) not bad for one weekend, huh?
The Urban Tea Merchant
930 West 1 Street
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3N4
(604) 985-5844
i live in vancouver and taipei. i love guitar and roadtrips. sunshine and the beach. cupcakes and coffee. indie music and foreign films. i want to scuba dive at the great barrier reef and speak french in paris.