Sunday outfit

洋裝 dress

I had a more interesting outfit in mind this morning but the shirt was dirty =( I think it’s time for me to go shopping again, something i haven’t done in awhile. my outfits these days are all sort of boring and are things you’ve seen lots here before. The outfits I wear over the weekdays are things you don’t want to see at all, because when I’m out and about in the city I wear extra boring things. And with this crappy weather, I find myself wearing an awful lot of black too. Why does this happen when I have a closet full of clothes? Maybe I should sell some of my stuff, you know? keep things circulating. but i really hate those “oh, but i might just wear it in the future!” vs. “fok that, you need money” dilemmas! grrrrr can’t be bothered!

古董包 vintage bag

草編紳士帽 straw fedora

(photos by ellu)

dress from mom

straw fedora bought in taipei

vintage bag

mystery Red Chilli jeans


Jeans! I think this is only the second (or third) time jeans have been showcased on this blog. I used to be a bit of a tomboy (if not a plain jane) and I wore jeans all the time. but one day I fell in love with vintage pieces and would only wear jeans if I am feeling tomboy-ish again. I got this pair from Oxfordshire’s Bicester Village (an outlet centre for several high-end brands, including Ted Baker, Bally, Gucci, Paul Smith, Jigsaw, Dolce & Gabbana, and Jack Wills) while I was working in Oxford. It says the brand is called Red Chilli (not a typo, double L), but the weird thing is that I find absolutely no information online about this label. so bizarre! If you happen to know anything about Red Chilli, please kindly let me know because I would totally purchase another pair from them!

Salt Spring Coffee, Vancouver

Red Chili jeans 牛仔褲

Salt Spring Coffee, main street, vancouver

Urban Outfitters scarf 圍巾

Salt Spring Coffee, 溫哥華

短靴 MB boots from Kris & Cris

Salt Spring Coffee Company

4295 Main Street, Vancouver
(604) 875-9727

Salt Spring Coffee

(picture no.4 by Verity, rest by Patty)

jacket bought in tianmu, taipei

red chilli jeans

charlotte ronson tank

urban outfitters scarf

borrowed MB boots from Kris & Cris in Oakridge mall

Urban Tea Merchant

urban tea merchant

Hello my sweets! How was your weekend? And for those of you in Canada, how was your Victoria Day long weekend? I had a pretty awesome weekend. Played guitar in the backyard, had Krispy Kreme, reconnected with an old friend, watched In Treatment with my brother, tried Verity’s cooking, went to the park for a stroll, and as you can see here, afternoon tea at The Urban Tea Merchant with the girls =) not bad for one weekend, huh?


vintage top from covent garden, 古董上衣

urban tea merchant afternoon tea

afternoon tea at urban tea merchant

urban tea merchant, vancouver

urban tea merchant 下午茶


west georgia street, urban tea merchant

馬卡龍 macaroon

The Urban Tea Merchant

930 West 1 Street
North Vancouver, BC V7P 3N4
(604) 985-5844

urban tea merchant 英式下午茶

(photos by papa and verity)

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