When the Rain comes down
it was raining when the pictures were taken. brace yourself, because that’s Vancouver for the next 5 or 6 months!
how rad is this vintage camera? it doesn’t work anymore but i still love it =P so here i’m carrying Patty’s canvas tote she got from Front & Company. it was on the mannequin in front of their famous window display for the longest time! Front & Company was selling it as a Ceci Est Un IT BAG from Longchamp, however on the front of the bag it says “Apparition” instead of “Longchamp”. well not that it matters because we both think it is a really cute bag and it didn’t cost that much. but anyone has any idea what happened there?
(photos by Patty)
Patty’s canvas tote from Front & Company / French Connection coat / Pins & Needles skirt from Urban Outfitters / Sisley scarf / boots from Japan
cutee bag 😀
aw i love this outfit, so perfect for fall! that bag is really cute and that camera is adorable too, i love vintage cameras! too bad it doesn’t work though
oh your boots are great too!
一段時間沒來覺得….. 這部落格又進步了 ^^ 真好看!
darling these photographs are AMAZING. so so wonderful. this outfit is very perfect, the overall representation with that camera and the effects on the photos is so cool.
love that bag.. i am still searching for the longchamp ones. but this is a great alternative though!! the vintage cam is soo pretty. i collect vintage cameras for decoration. 😉
xoxo Mode Junkie
I lvoe that bag…When fashion meets irony everything is more beautiful!
我一定是會喜歡這個部落格也強力支持的!! 這是很有個人風格, 也可以看到你分享你最近的心情!!也看到你分享不同的穿搭方式!
很想你 / 也很想Van.!!!!!
Annie Reply:
November 1st, 2010 at 6:47 pm
對啊… 最近的溫哥華到處是落葉, 很美呢!
真希望妳在這裡 =)
the camera is interesting..i love bags that say something on it=) your boots are adorable!
urg i had to run in the rain yesterday! loving the boots again (:
Those boots are amazing. I love your scarf too. How is your hair always so perfect?!
Hi Annie! I love those photos… The outfit, the background, and the colors. Stunning!
You look beautiful!
cute outfit and camera! I followed a link from soompi!
ah that vintage camera is so rad!!! I love it, it looks like a rolleiflex 🙂
I love your style ♥♥
Oh my god how did you get these beautiful colors on your photos, is it made by the 6×6 camera ? And by the way, your outfit is great, it seems so comfy !
Annie Reply:
October 28th, 2010 at 1:16 am
I’m not entirely sure, but I’ll check with Patty =)
好正點的 LOOK! 妳有沒有化妝啊? 看起來沒化就很正, 皮膚真好, 怎麼保養的呢??
me encanta tu outfit!!
Lovely outfit but bah! Vancouver and the ridiculous rain! The bag is very funny! I also love how immaculate your nails are in the post above… mine never look like that..
Perfect! Found you on IFB. Now following. Love your style, photos, and blog.
I usually just read your blog but don’t really comment, but your style seem to be getting cuter and cuter! <3
lovely shoes!!!!
I love your outfit here!
Especially the shoes; they are so perfect for a Winter/Autumn day <3
these pix are so beautiful darling xxx
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