december upon us

Forever 21 beanie hat 毛帽

ah, december is upon us. my favourite month! heavy winter clothes, pretty wreath, LED lights, sweets, family get-togethers, parties, hot chocolates, mulled cider, shoveling snow, christmas songs, and cold weather! what’s not to love? let’s all truly embrace the season this year guys and dolls. happy december =)

lowrys farm 長版背心上衣 tank top

vintage scarf 古董方巾

revlon 指甲油 nail polish "coral me wild"

forever 21 hooded jacket 連帽外套

all black oxfords 牛津鞋

forever 21 hooded jacket 連帽外套

(photos by ell)

lowrys farm tank dress

forever 21 hooded jacket

shorts bought in taipei

garage leggings

all black oxfords

revlon “coral me wild” nail polish

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fallish railroads


i had a fabulous weekend (and monday)! it was filled with good food, long drives, lovely friends, cute presents, a cake, good conversations, lots of climbing, and plenty of laughters. how was your weekend? x

aldo bag 包包

olive des olive 針織外套

urban behavior skirt 短裙

Claire and Annie

(photos by ell)


bluenotes gray sweater with plaid shirt

bluenotes skirt

olive des olive red sweater

classified flats

Gucci bag


cable-knit jacket bought by mom

charlotte ronson (manufactured by american apparel) tank top

urban behavior skirt

joe fresh flats

aldo satchel

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charmed, i’m sure


people usually underestimate what this little town can offer, but lugang is such a charming town. located in changhua, lugang used to be an important trading port. many old buildings and alleyways are kept in the same, yet crumbling, conditions as it was half a century ago. it’s really right up my alley. the red-tiled lanes are fascinating to me, but for some reason old abandoned houses are the most interesting.

vintage scarf 古董圍巾

Numph top 上衣


靴子購於倫敦 boots from london's camden town

Numph 長版上衣 dress top

aldo bag 包包


(photos by ell)

Nümph top

DEX top

garage leggings

boots bought in london’s camden town

aldo satchel

vintage scarf

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