shida night market

台北師大夜市 shida night market

The Shida night market is a huge market spanning over a few blocks to house a wide spread of goods that can cater to every taste and requirement. The market spreads along the street next to the Taiwan Normal University and is naturally a favorite haunt for the university students. The market is a dense web of lanes that are lined with innumerable shops along their sides. Be it elegant restaurants, garment boutiques, or inexpensive wayside coffee shops, the market houses it all! (from asiarooms)



師大夜市 Laking 男生服飾店



凱曦工作室 二手衣的家 Cassie's studio

師大商圈 配件 路邊攤商家

in the playground 鞋店 鞋子
in the playground

小白兔唱片 white wabbit records

La Chika 服飾店 師大夜市
La Chika


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muff up!

圍巾購於 urbanoutfitters, scarf urbanoutfitters

it’s been really cold here lately. i layered a bunch of gray pieces under this vintage coat to keep warm, too bad you can’t see them in these pictures. i found this heavy vintage coat in the closet of the room i grew up in and absolutely love it. though i’m wondering if it belonged to mom or dad, or maybe grandma or grandpa? before i find out it will keep me from the freezing wind outside =) every time i wear my earmuff out on the street, everyone looks at me weird or tells me that I look funny. only occasionally someone will comment that it’s cute. but i wear it because i hate it when the wind blows so hard it hurts your head, does that happen to you too?


復古 古董大衣 vintage coat

復古 古董大衣 vintage coat

復古 古董大衣 vintage coat

禦寒耳罩購於溫哥華 earmuff

earmuff bought in vancouver

vintage coat found in my closet

urban outfitters scarf

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kung hei fat choy

新年快樂 恭喜發財 happy new year, kung hei fat choy!

happy lunar new year! to you and all the wonderful people around you, kung hei fat choy! i wish for you all the good things the universe can offer and as much love as your heart can possibly hold.

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