Guest blogger: Jess on shopping in LA
I’m very excited to introduce you to my first guest blogger, Jess from Inked and Sewn! She is a total sweetheart and we share many of the same ideas when it comes to fashion and shopping. In this guest post, she shares with us some of her favorite shopping spots in LA, where she lives. Enjoy =)
My name is Jessica James and my obsession with fashion started in high school when I discovered how confident I felt in a great outfit. Watching Rachel Zoe style celebrities on T.V. and be so excited about the clothes she wore transferred into my everyday life. I love buying clothes and putting my own twists on things to make them one of a kind. I live for D.I.Y. projects and hunting for the next best thing at vintage and thrift stores. If you asked me what kind of style I have, I would have to say it changes from day to day depending on how I feel. Street style is what inspires my taste in fashion the most and forces me to keep evolving my look. I am a style advice columnist for for the Fullerton campus and am currently a PR intern at 31 Bits. Blogging has become my creative outlet and starting has been one of the most exciting and fulfilling things I have done in my entire life.
One of my most favorite places to shop is thrift stores. If you look hard enough you can get some pretty amazing things for unbelievable prices. One well known place in North Hollywood, CA is called Someone else’s. You can find everything from costume jewelry to Louis Vuitton garment bags. Also, with halloween coming up, its one of the best places to shop to put together your costumes.
Someone Else’s
11024 Magnolia Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91601
The next place that I was recently introduced to is the Glendale Mall in Los Angeles. Imagine the biggest Forever 21, H&M, Free People (you name it , it’s there) in the most beautiful area with a water fountain in the middle and lofts above all the stores. Its absolutely beautiful.
Glendale Galleria
2148 Glendale Galleria
Glendale, CA 91210
While I love the shopping in L.A., my go to place is Buffalo Exchange, in my little town of Fullerton in Orange County. A store where you can sell your clothes, buy clothes that others have sold or get brand new items for extremely cheap. I’ve gotten so many items from that store to inspire my D.I.Y projects and as much as I love new things from the stores at the mall, nothing beats having a one of a kind item I create from the stuff I buy at Buffalo Exchange.
Buffalo Exchange
215 N. Harbor Blvd
Fullerton, CA 92832
Im so honored to be featured on What Annie Wears and hope you love my post as much as I love hers.
xx Jess James
great post! jessica and i shop at a lot of the same places in la! xx
Thrift stores are awesome! Thanks for sharing – albeing it makes me a tiny bit jealous!
Tikkitiboo + Ahka Vintage
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great guest post! enjoyed reading it!
Fashion Fractions
Awesome guest post. I love thrift stores!
Thanks for all the sweet comments 🙂
Nice article! I want to go to “Buffalo Exchange”…. haha Sounds Great!
What a great idea Annie. Loved the post! 😉