kings of leon t-shirt

here is my go-to summer outfit when i just can’t be bothered to put together a new look! these pieces are my absolute favourites this summer. the kings of leon t-shirt i bought in new york which i wear all the time, the cutest zara skirt that cost under ten bucks, and the very chic miss sixty bag i bought in greece! oh and check out what verity did for my nails, aren’t they pretty (excuse my ugly fingers)?

if you follow me on twitter, you will know that i was in seattle on sunday. it was the perfect day to visit and i had an amazing time! in the next post i will have pictures to show you!

Forever 21 bow ring 戒指

Zara skirt 短裙

Miss Sixty 60 bag 包包

Forever 21 sunglasses 太陽眼鏡

(photos by ellu)

Kings of Leon tee

Zara skirt

Miss Sixty bag

Irregular Choice thatcher flats

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