香港美食 hong kong

it’s been a hectic month. i moved multiple times, from city to city, from apartment to apartment, and in less than one month i’m going to have to move again. i think i may have a tiny bit of insomnia because it always takes me forever to fall asleep these days, my brain just wont shut down when i tell it to. what is happening to me? ok, i won’t subject you to more of my doom and gloom… watch some food porn instead!

香港雲吞麵 wonton noodles hong kong

蘭芳園 中環 central hong kong

澳門南屏雅敘 macau

炒飯 very yummy fried rice

澳洲牛奶公司 australian dairy company

澳門南屏雅敘 通粉

澳洲牛奶公司 蛋白燉鮮奶 australian dairy company

沙田某家茶餐廳 cafe in shatin

飲茶 點心 鳳爪 yumcha dim sum

西貢咖啡餅店 saikung cafe & bakery


(photos by ell, claire, and moi)

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