Exploring Saikung ✈
Sai Kung Town is a town on Sai Kung Peninsula, facing the Sai Kung Hoi, part of Sai Kung District in the New Territories, Hong Kong. Having evolved from a fishing village, it is a mecca for seafood lovers, locals and foreign tourists alike. Visitors can stroll along the waterfront of Sai Kung Town or explore the lanes of the old town, visit the Tin Hau Temple, feast on seafood or enjoy different delicacies at Western-style pubs and restaurants. (wiki)
(photos by ell and annie)
去了香港那麼多次都沒有去過這個地方, 看起來很漂亮, 下次去的時候排進行程裡去! 我看妳去旅行好像都會去一些一般遊客不會去的地方, 比較深度一點喔?
Annie Reply:
March 30th, 2010 at 2:31 am
kaitlyn: 對啊… 如果時間允許, 在去完一些重要景點後, 我喜歡去當地人去的地方, 做當地人會做的事 =) 西貢真的是好地方, 不要忘記去西貢咖啡餅店吃蛋塔和菠蘿包喔!