七星潭, 花蓮東部海岸, Chihsingtan Beach in hualien county

i packed extra light for this backpacking trip, which means one bag, no laptop, no fancy clothing pieces, and no more than one pair of shoes. therefore i don’t really have an outfit to show you. i’m very anal retentive when it comes to packing that i hardly ever forget anything, but this time i did make two mistakes. for one, i forgot to sync my ipod. that’s a huge deal because it was really hard to live without my new found favourite the decemberists for a week. i also made a mistake thinking that it would be warmer in the east coast. boy was i wrong!

other than a couple days of rain, the east coast was rad. i loved the clean air and water, taroko gorge, the waterfalls, the hot springs, the beach, the sceneries, being close to some of the animals, and of course, the food. even the train rides were pleasant. there were just so many things to appreciate. dammit i wish i was back there right now!

五峰旗瀑布, 礁溪, 宜蘭, yilan, waterfalls

小野柳, 台東海岸, taitung

太魯閣峽谷, 花蓮, taroko gorge, hualien

烏石港, 宜蘭

little birdy, 五峰旗瀑布, 礁溪, 宜蘭

花蓮之旅, hulien, travel




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