
pictures from 4 weeks ago. i was spoiled with beautiful scenary and awesome food on that day. ahhhh do i miss 4 weeks ago! i’ve been feeling pretty rotten lately. so much to do this week, waves of nausea surge through my body when i think about how much work has to be done. alas, there is no running away. so, i’m hunkering down and trying to make the best of the last week of 2009. special thanks to ram for the pictures =)

apt 9 babydoll sweater




net 短褲, net shorts, bow tie, 蝴蝶結

台中新社, 又見一炊煙

(photos by Ram)

apt 9 babydoll sweater

net shorts

necklace bought at debehams

all black oxfords

thrifted bag

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