taipei 台北

i know i know. this is an old outfit. i’m not crazy or anything. i’ve been away this weekend. it was jam packed with you know… all that normal life stuff you do every day. and that is why i don’t have anything new to show you just yet. i hope i don’t fall out of the habit of posting reguarly because it’s hard to get back into the rhythm once you do. anyways, i was flipping through the folders and stumbled upon these photoshop’d outfit pictures from bohemian like me. i figured they deserve to be seen as much as the original photos. i love the vintage and fallish look to them and think that ell did an awesome job. i also want to take this opportunity to say that i really appreciate everyone who checks in on this blog and love each and every comment you guys take the time to write. lots of hugs and kisses x

nice claup top 上衣

DIY headband 髮帶

original post/pictures can be seen here

bohemian 波西米亞 hippie 嬉皮

(photos by ell)

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