so i got tagged by Thy awhile ago, sorry it took me so long! i decided to answer couple of these questions with pictures =)

The rules

1. Name the person who tagged you

2. You need to have 4 answers at every question

3. Tag 4 other bloggers

4. Let them know you tagged them

ready? let’s go!


4 Things in my bag/purse:

this was actually from an older post: Happy Weekend!

wallet, iphone, sunglasses, and reusable bag

4 Things I found in my office desk drawer:

there’s no drawer

4 Favourite things in my room:

my guitar, kalimba, Greece poster, and of course my laptop

4 things I’ve always wanted to do:

visit Mongolia, learn French, write a book, and meet Zooey Deschanel

4 Things I’m currently into:

DIY projects, webmastering, oversized tops, and nail polish

4 Things I bet you didn’t know about me:

used to be a bartender

very fond of walking

hate beer

collect hats and lose them

4 Songs i can’t get out of my head:

Sea Wolf – You’re a wolf

Fairburn Royals – First of the gang to die

Priscilla Ahn – Dream

Mumford & Sons – Little Lion Man

I’m tagging: Luchie, Fashion Du Jour, Cocoabee, and Tezza

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