Aldo satchel 包包

patty took these photos for me last week before the temperatures rose through the roof here in Vancouver. also before I went for a bike ride and fell on my butt (EPIC FAIL LOL). now I have this massive bruise on my knee and my whole body is sore. i’m still loving the sunny weather and can’t wait to go bike riding again! in the meantime i will be heading to the beach to work on a tan weeeeee!

Forever 21 cardigan 針織外套

短褲購於台北五分埔 shorts wufenpu

Irregular Choice thatcher flats 平底編織鞋

Charlotte Ronson tank top 背心

(photos by Patty)

Charlotte Ronson tank top

Forever 21 cardigan

shorts bought at wufenpu in taipei

Irregular Choice thatcher flats

Tiffany & Co. ring

Forever 21 bow ring

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