這個夏天我是個開心的女孩, 因為可以做音樂, 讀好書, 還有把玩我最新的嗜好 – 指甲油。除了這些以外, 我也終於有機會給你們看看我的包包裡都裝了些什麼玩意兒! 無論你要做些什麼, 都希望你有個很棒很完美的週末 =)
包包裡面有: 瑪莉官化妝包 from Tinny, Roberto Vianni 太陽眼鏡, Baggu 環保袋, Forever 21 錢包, iPhone, 口琴, 相機袋 from Claire
(photos by Patty – 去看她的部落格!)
ASOS 針織毛衣外套
Aritzia 蛋糕背心
Lesportsac 化妝包
Jimbo 送的 Big River Harp 口琴
19 則回覆
really love your oversized knit!
annie i love nail polish too 😀 but ur collection is definitely crazier than mine. lol. what’s ur favourite brand? any suggestions for colours ??
Annie Replies:
yayyy they are just so much fun! my absolute favuorite bottle of nail polish is “coral me wild” from Revlon because of the bright and wonderful colour. but i got to try OPI recently and the quality of the varnish is definitely the finest i have ever tried!
i’m on the hunt for the perfect shade of pastel purple, but haven’t been able to find it! so i’m mixing my own colours atm =P what’s your favourite brand and colour Tracy?
thanks! & yeah we’re really lucky ^^ it gets hot but its not unbearable.
i love Oscar Wilde books too! its so tragic how he died.
you can play harmonica O.O well that is kinda interesting indeed….
這些照片好有 feel~ 感覺很舒服~
I loved this post! The photos, the way you show a little by of you, and the song…
Gorgeous! 😉
我也想看妳的化妝包裡面都裝些什麼耶~ 很好奇 ^^
Annie Replies:
我的化妝包還滿無聊的… 不過下次有機會是可以拍一下 =)
so lovely! good music, good books, and an outfit like that, your summer does seem wonderful!
Hey Annie, I really miss your blog T.T I’m so jealous with you, I want a great weekend too, but I can’t. My job really steal my time 🙁
I have some of the same nail polish colors as you! I love your knit wrap. You’re such a doll!
Hey, do you mind telling me what the 2nd nailpolish is? The one behind the purple one XD Looks like it’s a black/grey with purple shimmer?
Annie Replies:
that one is actually Patty’s. if I’m not mistaken, it is Shu Uemura Tanzanite Aquarium Nail Enamel =)
this color is gorgeous, I tried it that day!
[…] 照片出自舊文章: 週末愉快! […]
[…] this was actually from an older post: Happy Weekend! […]
[…] 這篇講了好久, 終於要寫出來了! 之前有稍微給大家看過我包包裡的東西: 這裡, 不過那是去年夏天的事了, […]