這些是 12 月初的照片, 那天的我沉浸在新社的漂亮風景和美食中。現在可就沒有這麼好過了, 最近一陣子覺得有些死氣沉沉, 大概是有太多事要做。光是想到 2009 年的最後一個星期將會是如此忙碌, 就讓我渾身不舒服! 不過逃得了一時, 躲不了一世, 該來的還是要來, 硬著頭皮做就是了, 只求這一個星期能夠過得充實。如果你的年底和我一樣忙碌, 希望這朵向日葵能夠帶給你一些些的好心情! 特別謝謝 Ram 的照片 =)
地址: 台中縣新社鄉種苗改良繁殖場(第二苗圃)
地址: 台中縣新社鄉中興村中興嶺 363-35 號
(photos by Ram)
Apt 9 灰色毛衣
Net 短褲
項鍊購於 Debenhams
All Black 牛津鞋
二手手提包購於 21 倉庫
5 則回覆
Hey Annie,
Thanks for your cute comment on Blogcatalog.
And so sorry for the late reply. Just wanna tell you I love Taiwan so much.
Specially Taiwan gals, hhaahaa.. yes no joke! All of my friends know my
addiction. Hope to read more from you Annie!! Your blog is tagged onto my list. : ) Pretty pictures hummm…!
Annie Replies:
thank you winny for the comment! i’m following you and you’re on my blogroll as well =) happy new year!
Hi Annie,
You have a very special and nice fashion and photo blog! I love all your photos here, clean and nice shots. Cheers! Happy New Year 2010.
我喜欢你的照片。 新年快乐!
Annie Replies:
Cecil: thanks for the comment! i quite like many of the shots myself, i do have a rad photographer =P
happy new year to you too! have a great one!
oh I love the scenery..very beautiful and gosh I wish I was there..
love ur pictures as well..=]