雖然有點貪心, 不過人因夢想而偉大! 就讓我過過乾癮吧 =) 親愛的聖誕老公公, 我一整年都有做個乖孩子, 雖然說我答應 Anthea 要去 Perth 找她卻沒去, 還有那次我邊開車邊睡覺結果出了點小車禍, 但那些都沒什麼對吧? 請讓我得到我想要的東西吧! (笑)
Marc by Marc Jacobs 外套 // Dsquared2 高跟鞋 // Judith Leiber 手拿包 //
Miss Selfridge 釘子畫家帽 // Topshop 露指皮手套 // Betsey Johnson 太陽眼鏡 // 古董相機 // Anthropologie 腳踏車 // babycakes 食譜 // 皮克斯電影天外奇蹟我的冒險筆記本 // Daisy Rock 吉他
marc by marc jacobs coat // dsquared2 open toe pump // judith leiber
package cluth // miss selfridge studded beret // topshop leather gloves // betsey johnson sunglasses // vintage camera // anthropologie bike // babycakes // pixar up my adventure book // daisy rock guitar
6 則回覆
yikes, that is a big list.. all the best with that! 😀
Annie Replies:
i ended up getting nothing from the list…
maybe that’s what you get for being too greedy lol
i need those shoes!
happy christmas darling XXX
Annie Replies:
aub: aren’t they the prettiest? x
my adventure book !!!!!
I want one !!
merry x’mas 😀
Annie Replies:
fiatlux: i wonder where you can order one though… im having a tough time finding a copy!