這個週末在台北跑來跑去,做些你知道的… 那些所有生活裡會碰到的,重要或瑣碎的事情。 所以我暫時還沒有新的東西可以秀給你們看。希望不會拖得太久,因為寫網誌最怕的就是一旦不勤於更新,很快就會偷懶。總之,我在翻閱舊文件夾時發現了這些波西米亞狂想曲的相片,是 ell 當初在整理照片時 photoshop 的。 我很喜歡這一組照片復古的顏色,還帶有一些秋天的氣息。我想謝謝願意來這個網誌走走的你們,我很愛也感激你們抽出時間寫下的每個留言。我都會儘快回覆的。lots of hugs and kisses x
原本的文章和照片在 這裡
(photos by ell)
7 則回覆
You rock and your style rocks! Keep it up i’m looking forward to more outfits!
annie Replies:
aub thank you for the kind words xxx
i was surfing the net for something interesting and came across your site.
I have to say… i really love the way you carry yourself!
Really cute and best of all…FUN!
i like girls who are not fashion followers and are not afraid to mix and match!
Stay fabulous
-From the DRAMA family
annie Replies:
hey! honestly this is the best comment i’ve ever had on this site, i really really appreciate it! you won’t believe how happy i was when i saw this comment, thanks!!
seriously chen, how come i haven’t seen ur site before?
tis pretty cute…i think u should mention where slash who your love of indie music came from, hence making me famous!!!
u look frikin cute woman!
now hurry up and come to my boring city before the sun goes!!
Annie Replies:
where my love of indie music came from? YOU!!! NOT! okay maybe you did… did you really? i might be coming sooner than you think woman! but i dun wanna promise you anything just yet! are you still coming to taiwan on the 27th? like you promised? and asked me to write down on my calendar? i’m missing you lots snugglemufffffff
[…] 短袖上衣: Nice Claup […]