Heloise Love – Black is the Color
Hello! 希望你度過了一個愉快的週末 =) 雖然我有很多東西要寫, 很多照片要 po, 可是每到年底就會莫名其妙的變得很忙! 我有一些新的想法和東西想要和妳們分享, 希望妳們到時候會喜歡 。還有不要忘了 瞳孔放大片的贈獎活動 還有兩天就結束了! 快去參加!
覺得我的捲髮如何呢? =P
Heloise Love – Black is the Color
Hello! 希望你度過了一個愉快的週末 =) 雖然我有很多東西要寫, 很多照片要 po, 可是每到年底就會莫名其妙的變得很忙! 我有一些新的想法和東西想要和妳們分享, 希望妳們到時候會喜歡 。還有不要忘了 瞳孔放大片的贈獎活動 還有兩天就結束了! 快去參加!
覺得我的捲髮如何呢? =P
9 則回覆
I like it! I like it when it’s not too too curly. Looks very fancy~
Tell you a story about too too curly (perm). Once upon a time I was a kid. Even as a kid though I had very specific tastes in women (HongKonger/Taiwanese, very long straight hair, si mun). Si mun=polite/graceful. One day my mom decided to come home with a perm because she wanted to try a new hairstyle. The second she walked in and I saw it, I started crying like crazy because I thought her hairstyle looked SO bad. She laughed at my response.
It’s been 20 years. Since that day she has never curled her hair once.
The end!
Annie Replies:
awwww that’s such a cute story =P that just shows how much your mom cares about how you look at her! you were pretty mean as a kid i see!
love the hair cut
So cute
又氣質又可愛 ^_^
nice =D
ouh i like it ! it looks really good on you ;D
Curly hair fits you perfectly !