彼得潘圓領 ❤
我是一個 “彼得潘圓領控” (英文叫 Peter Pan Collar), 只要有這種領口的衣服我大概都會很想帶回家。話說這個圓領的得名來自童話”小飛俠”, 故事的主人翁彼得潘身穿的衣服有兩片扁圓的衣領。最初這個設計被普遍使用在童裝上, 這樣的小圓領其實我們每個人小時候大概都穿著過吧? 一直到 60年代才開始有人將這樣的領口應用在成人女裝上, 這幾年也可以看到 See by Chloé, Miu Miu, Milly, 還有 Marc by Marc Jacobs 等品牌也都大量的使用這樣的領口設計。我很喜歡這種領口, 因為它很女生又帶有復古風。我的這件古董洋裝, 因為是格子樣式的, 所以領口不明顯, 自然不會看起來太過幼稚, 如果你覺得這樣的領口太小孩子氣, 可以選擇搭配比較挺一點的外套或是西裝外套。相反的, 如果妳想要看起來年輕一些, 那就多去買幾件有彼得潘圓領的洋裝和襯衫吧 (笑)!
Olivia Ong – You & Me
(photos by ell)
Zara 針織外套
自製 DIY 戒指 和手環
Forever 21 挖空高跟鞋 & 毛帽
14 則回覆
So cute Annie! Definitely a dress I would wear 🙂
I love this Autumn look. So perfect for day, dressy without being overly so. Sweet and sassy. Brown and black pairing can be tricky but you do it expertly, Annie. And those booties: LOVE.
love your outfit! you got me idea for Fall look!
You look lovely in that outfit Annie… The shoes are gorgeous!
adorable dress! love the peter pan collar and buttons in the front. p.s. the photography on your posts is fantastic
i love this outfit, looks perfect for fall!
words cannot describe how beautiful this outfit is, and how wonderful you look here dearie. xx
;O the beanie is too cute, i want one now haha.
your outfit is so chic and well balanced!
the peter pan collar and the way the buttons are assembled = cute + vintage
plaid = touch of boho
cardigan + black heels = adds sophistication
I want your dress. It’s adorable!
I just stumbled across your blog, and wanted to say you have a great sense of style! Love the outfit and pictures, you look lovely 🙂
[…] Forever 21 手環組 (這組) 裡的其中一個手環。如果妳沒有珍珠手環, […]
[…] Tinny 送我的生日禮物, 所以嚴格算起來是 $0 (笑)。之前有提過我對 彼得潘圓領的愛, 這件 上衣 不僅有彼得潘圓領, 它還是蕾絲的! 就像我之前說過的, […]