Thomas Haas 溫哥華巧克力分子
Hey! 久違的吃吃喝喝文, 這次 Patty 帶我去了 Thomas Haas, 溫哥華非常知名的手工巧克力/蛋糕店。說真的, 我不太會寫食記, 我認為每個人對吃東西都有自己的看法, 我不能算很懂吃, 我覺得好吃的大家不一定都會喜歡, 我不喜歡的也不代表就真的不好吃, 我相信每個人總是自己嘗試過了才會知道喜不喜歡, 所以每次寫關於餐廳/食物的文章我總是很掙扎 =( 在這裡就簡單跟大家講講我的經驗吧…
我一直知道 Thomas Haas 在溫哥華開張以後得到很多好評, 但是以前在溫哥華市中心 Crowne Plaza 飯店裡開的 Senses 蛋糕店在關掉前有賣他們家的巧克力, Annie 很久以前吃過, 記得當初好像沒有什麼特別的感覺, 所以對他自己開的蛋糕店自然也就興趣缺缺。不過我很高興我去嘗試了這間蛋糕店, 大家都說好吃的 double baked almond croissant 我很喜歡, 三明治和咖啡也都有一定的水準, 價錢不便宜, 但是我能說, 吃得出他們的用心 =) 店裡裝潢很有意思, 有些讓人會心一笑的創意。
話說… Patty 想要在照片上加些效果很久了, 我只能說她選了個好時間… 所有的食物都看起來非常倒胃口 (因為是藍色)! 有時候, 搞藝術的人真的很難捉摸耶 (笑)… 總之, 她說請大家把他們當做黑白照欣賞, 如果你人在溫哥華但還沒去過 Thomas Haas, 放心! 真正的食物顏色是很誘人的。
我穿的是 Forever 21 上衣 & Michael Kors 短靴
(照片攝影: patty)
Thomas Haas Fine Chocolates & Patisserie
2539 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
(604) 736-1848
128-998 Harbourside Drive
North Vancouver, BC
(604) 924-1847
19 則回覆
Annie Replies:
對啊… 可惜沒有拍到巧克力的照片, 他們的巧克力看起來很精緻 =)
Annie Replies:
you mean… ewwwwww =P
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by thaaschocolates, Annie Palooza. Annie Palooza said: Thomas Haas ♥ chocolate molecule […]
those photos are gorgeous! wow that coffee looks amazing too!
巧克力分子, 很特別的創意!!
真的有像水泥湯, 可是照片這樣的顏色有不一樣的 FEEL~ 好看!!
don’t know which i could use more right about now- that beautiful cup of coffee, or those buttery boots!
You’re so cute >o<!!! and i love the design on the coffee =D
Love the blue tones!
Oh no, it’s my sister Emma! 🙂 She joined my blog a few days ago —>
hey superstar,
wahhh you added multilanguage support for the site!! Good grief this is becoming quite sophisticated~
-_____- I wish I could visit this restaurant. Nothing more I can do than just stare at it.
I liked your YSL wristlet a lot. I had to buy one for my mom and I ended up getting her a Coach one but I don’t really like it. I hate coach – it’s completely played out and actually the designs don’t appeal to me. But even though YSL was an incredible designer… did you feel kinda irked when he told China he’d give them those stolen artifacts “in exchange for better human rights?” It was France that invaded China and looted their artifacts to begin with… I didn’t even know YSL had stolen national goods in his private collection.
Well that was my rant. I have no clue why I ranted about it but yeah. Take care now!
Annie Replies:
lol thanks, i try =P when you visit vancouver i shall take you to thomas haas then, it’s a must!
i never liked Coach either, but they do come out with some cute things once in awhile =) from what i remember, they used to be more affordable! oh and i had no idea that Yves Saint Laurent said that! another one of those elgin marbles situation huh?
the bakery sounds divine. too bad i dont live in vancouver. love the photos.
无聊上网转转~ 喜欢你的个人风格~
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