哈囉! 這個長週末都待在室內跟家人一起漆客廳和廚房的牆壁。我也趁著休息和傍晚的時間下載了很多程式和插件, 研究怎麼讓部落格能夠更容易瀏覽。所以, 如果你還沒有注意到, 部落格有了新的表頭圖片, 增加了一個導覽列, 還有幾個相簿 (在側邊工具欄可以找到)。光是要做新的頁面和搞懂插件就讓我一個頭兩個大了, 不過終於完成的時候, 我可是驕傲的很咧! 還有一定要說一下, 新的表頭圖片是我弟做的, 如果你仔細看可以看出來圖片裡面有三種不同的布料喔!
因為整個週末宅在家, 我也沒有新的穿搭圖片可以給你們看, 不過這些是剩下的西雅圖照片, 比起上ㄧ篇提到的戶外市集, 我更是喜歡佛瑞蒙這個地區給人的感覺。我很快會有穿搭文的, 在我回來之前, 留言告訴我你喜不喜歡部落格新的樣子吧!
Les Amis
3420 Evanston Avenue N.
Seattle, WA 98103
Destee-Nation Shirt Co
3412 Evanston Ave N
Between PCC and the Rocket
(between 34th St & 35th St)
Seattle, WA 98103
Fremont Vintage Mall
3419 Fremont Pl N
(between 34th St & 35th St)
Seattle, WA 98103
(photos by sweetness)
Zara 無袖上衣
Forever 21 牛仔褲
Fenn Wright Manson 手提袋
12 則回覆
LOVE the new header, sugar. And you look so pretty in lilac. I know what a pain it is to do blog improvement, so good for you!!!
♥ V
center of the universe. sigh. i miss that place.
My eyes lit up when I saw the snoopy vintage lunchbox. Let me tell you a story. When I was in grade 8, my final presentation to the class for our school year was on somebody inspirational. My entire childhood I have been obsessed with snoopy stuff so I chose Charles Shulz. He died the week before my presentation date T_T It was the first time in my life I ever felt sad to hear that a famous person passed away. ~fin~
-thanks for leaving those cute notes on my blog. You were not obliged to visit back but did so anyway! Do you own any pieces of Alexander Wang clothing? Oh my gosh some girls who came to see him that day were freaking decked out in A.Wang top to bottom… dress, shoes, and purse.
The new layout looks great! Very professional. Like the pics!
oh thanks! and I know. I’m sad that the year is ending so quickly. but I guess school couldn’t come at a better time.
I love your pictures! it looks like you’ve been to some amazing places! I love your outfit, too. I love the vintage lunch boxes! and the book store. I am obsessed with small book stores.
Lovely place!
P.S: I do like the new look of the blog.
So many intersting things in Fremont! Maybe I will visit on my next trip to the Westcoast (:
Annie Replies:
don’t forget to visit the Troll under the bridge! =)
You look fantastic.
I have a question for you: what is your blog platform?
Annie Replies:
Mia Delessi:
sorry for the late reply!
I’m with wordpress, and the theme I’m using is called empty canvas =)
Lovely pictures! =)
[…] 慢慢走慢慢晃… 去 佛瑞蒙 (Fremont) 和派克市場 (Pike Place Market) 重溫舊夢, […]