暖暖陽光 ooh la
這些照片是上禮拜在溫哥華還沒有變熱前, 還有在我去騎腳踏車前, Patty 幫我拍的。話說我前天在山林步道裡騎腳踏車, 從車上摔下來不說, 還差點沒掉進河裡去, 哈哈, 沒辦法, 誰叫我是在城市裡長大的小孩 , 騎腳踏車的技術太差。現在我膝蓋上有個瘀青, 然後全身痠痛 (好弱!)。聽說台灣最近也很熱, 我在這裡很知足, 因為台灣的濕熱整個很可怕, 不過加拿大不像台灣處處有冷氣, 真要熱起來還真是無處可躲。我喜歡現在的大晴天, 等我身體不痛了還要再去騎腳踏車, 在那之前我就去海邊曬曬太陽吧! (笑)
(photos by Patty)
Charlotte Ronson 無袖背心
Forever 21 針織外套
Irregular Choice 平底編織鞋
Tiffany & Co. 戒指
Forever 21 蝴蝶結戒指
21 則回覆
I hope that you are okay. It’s since a long time that i haven’t done a bike ride >.<
Annie Replies:
well the truth is i never really got to learn how to ride a bike when i was a kid! now that i finally know how to ride a bike properly i enjoy it so much i want to go bike riding everyday =D
You look so sweet! I really like the texture on your mauve colored shoes.
falling on your bike is the worst!
i like these elastic waist shorts–i wish they weren’t all the way in taipei!
I love your style…the shorts are so sweet with that cardi. And your photographer is fantastic!
♥ V
Hi there! Great blog you have here, I adore your style! I’m now following 🙂
Please come check out mine sometime and follow me if you’d like.
Ahw, thanks for commenting! 🙂 Is this you? If it is, you’re tres pretty! 🙂 The photos are amazing as well.
Annie Replies:
lol yes it is me… thanks! you’re tres cute yourself =P
對啊! 台灣超熱 >_<
Annie Replies:
huh? giveaway was two weeks ago! stay tuned for the next one, coming very soon!
Awesome outfit and blog! I’ll add you to my Bloglovin account right now!
hi there ! just found your blog on bloglovin and your photography is beautiful ! oh and those shoes are sweet ! can’t wait to see more .
keep it up
the wardrobe war girls
( stop by if you ever have the time , would love your input )
sweet and casual look, and your hair looks great!
aah i love your cardigan :DD
awesome blog you got here
following back!
have a nice day..
you look awesome, I love your outfit so much.
文章寫得好 會穿衣服 人又漂亮 這網站真適合妳的形象
you must got really hurt. We can go for bike riding next time. you will have more chance to practice.
it’s getting hot there??
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