溫哥華戀戀蛋糕 Sweet Obsession
住在溫哥華的朋友應該都知道 Sweet Obsession 這間蛋糕店, 除了一走進店裡就可以看到的多種蛋糕呈列, 他們也有賣許多烘培的點心, 冰淇淋, 餅乾, 還有各式各樣的咖啡和茶。他們的甜點也供應到隔壁的姊妹餐廳 Trafalgar’s Bistro。要我說實話, 我想不是每一種蛋糕都合每個人的味口, 不過整體來說, 這裡是一個舒服的地方, 蛋糕店不在喧鬧的市中心, 找個時間和幾個朋友來坐坐, 喝個咖啡吃些甜的, 聊聊天, 看看來往的人, 其實很愜意! 順便介紹 Patty 喜歡的冰淇淋吃法, 除了叫冰淇淋外, 另外再叫一份 espresso, 然後等到兩樣東西都上桌時, 把 espresso 倒進冰淇淋裡, 甜的和苦的味道一起在嘴裡, 是一種美好的結合! 下次大家可以試試看! BON APPETIT =)
(photos by patty)
Sweet Obsession Cakes & Pastries Ltd
2611 West 16th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6K 3C2
(604) 739-0555
Open Mon-Thu,Sun 8am-10pm; Fri-Sat 8am-11pm
10 則回覆
hm .., delicious food. pleased to be able to visit a pastry shop, can choose and enjoy the cake dish.
I would not know why I like visiting this blog, I think I liked the pictures:)
Youre too cute ^^ and the pic is winwin!
you are so cute! the pastries and ice cream look delish!
xo, becs
wish i could be there! lovely pics patty!
Annie Replies:
Mister: yeah when will you ever come visit? patty has bunch of new camera gadgets =P
when i first saw that picture i though really thick steak with ice cream? yum!!??, then i found out its just an ugly cake in gravy sauce.
Annie Replies:
baobao: patty is not going to like this comment =P yes the toffee cake doesn’t look very appetizing but it did taste good! i think someone was just hungry for steaks!
hello mister~ you should be here~ come visit us~
i didn’t do much work~ annie is easy to photograph~ 😛
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