BAGGU giveaway
i always try to promote living green on this blog, therefore i was excited to find out that BAGGU Taiwan is offering two BAGGU reusable bags to readers of What Annie Wears! here is how to win a BAGGU resuable bag of your choice:
1) join What Annie Wears with Google Friend Connect (on the right hand side of the site), if you don’t have a G-mail account, join What Annie Wears’ Facebook Page!
2) Visit Baggu’s website, and leave me a comment here to let me know what color and size bag you would like to receive if you win the contest!
Please note that this giveaway is open to readers in Taiwan only. (sorry guys, the team can only ship their bags within Taiwan!) This contest will end next Sunday 7/4 at 12 pm Taiwan Time. Two winners will be selected at random, and each will be able to choose their own color and size bag to be sent to them. Please make sure you leave your e-mail or a blog link with your comment so I can contact you.
(Images courtesy of BAGGU)
如果我獲得優勝 我想要藍白細條 環保袋
i want one too >.<
It’s so cute n colourful. i like it
ㄏ呵!!真的很方便!!原來有這麼多顏色啊!!! 選擇性真多!!! 喜歡紅色和粉色系的袋子!!出門攜帶一個真的很方便!!就不需要用購物袋!!!
good on you for encouraging people to be eco-friendly!
i like the earthy tone colors myself myabe like this one: BUB008KAK
and i do live in taiwan by the way!
OH i noticed that your pictures are on that baggu website!! AWESOME JOB!
too bad I am not in Taiwan, GOOD LUCK GUYS!
我想要紅黑條紋的 BAGGU, 藍色粗條也很漂亮… 好難選喔 >_<
我喜歡 annie 橘紅色的環保袋~
Ur pictures are on that website. Cool!
Good luck readers in Taiwan!
BABY BAGGU – 條紋系列 小環保袋:P091103004468 (藍色粗條)
just pure supporting!! i dont need a bag i carry my grocery with my bare hands, juggling them in the air, like a BAMF! SAVE THE EARTH YOU HEROS
You’re far too kind.
I do like the red(BUB003RED) one if I get it.
any bag on that page? can i pick the DUCK BAG (帆布包)? if so, i really want the red one! and haha luckily im on summer break in TW right now ^^ yay hope i win : 3
Annie Reply:
July 4th, 2010 at 11:28 am
just the reusable bags =)
好久沒來, 一來就趕上了有獎徵答!! 好幸運!
我喜歡海洋系的 BAGGU 耶耶!
對了, 我有看到有人有小花花的 BAGGU 袋子!!
Annie Reply:
July 4th, 2010 at 11:29 am
嗯, 我想應該是沒有賣了 =(
oh okay i guess ill go with the b+w striped baggu on this page . haha if i win. thankss : )
Annie Reply:
July 5th, 2010 at 11:39 am
有獎徵答結束了, 謝謝所有參加的朋友! 我會在明天宣布兩位得獎者 =)
THE CONTEST HAS ENDED! big thanks to everyone who took part, i will be announcing the two winners tomorrow =)
話說我沒有贏 T-T 上禮拜自己去買了一個!真的很好用!!
謝謝 Annie 推薦 ^_^