hot pink in hong kong ✈
ohhhh the uncertainties of weather these days! spring is just starting but already it’s really hot outside! all the long sleeves and cardigans i brought with me to hong kong are useless! but i guess that provides one more reason for me to shop huh? boy do they have massive malls here, and they are everywhere! no wonder they say that hong kong is a shopaholic’s dream! but contrary to what you might think, i didn’t get to buy a lot of stuff. it is my first time in hong kong so i try to get out and see as much as i could =)
(photos by ell except for mr. on the wall)
zara skirt
uniqlo t-shirt (men)
urban outfitters scarf
thrifted lesportsac look-alike bag
妳好漂亮喔 我很喜歡妳的打扮 跟別人與眾不同!
我之前也有去香港 不過只去了幾天 除了逛街和吃 好像沒其他太多特別的事情可以做 妳都去哪裡?
Annie Reply:
March 11th, 2010 at 8:29 am
Kaitlyn: 謝謝!! 其實香港還是有很多地方去的, 像是所有旅客都會去的維多利亞港, 太平山頂, 大嶼山, 還有比較少人去的西貢腳踏車還有登山步道, 聽說香港人很喜歡去西貢烤肉, 有機會我蠻想試試看的 =P
Great Blog!!
I was wondering if you would like to exchange links and we can follow each other.
Here is my blog:
Please let me know.
我也想知道妳去香港都去哪些地方, 我每次去都是血拼, 不過東西也沒有台灣便宜 ;D
Annie Reply:
March 11th, 2010 at 8:35 am
三木: 謝謝 =) 很喜歡你的 blog, 有點相見恨晚的感覺! just joined your facebook page too!
香港有騎腳踏車的地方? 還有烤肉的地方? 我從來沒聽說過哈哈 Orz
Annie Reply:
March 30th, 2010 at 1:48 am
alicejan: 嗯! 去之前對香港的印象也都是商場大樓沒綠地, 不過其實遊憩的地方也不少, 雖然台灣還是比較多選擇 =)
Annie Reply:
March 30th, 2010 at 2:09 am
三木: 交換連結? 當然 =)